
Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

Historically, there has been Pempek in Kilkenny since China's entry of foreigners to Kilkenny, that is around the 16th century, when Sultan Mahmud II's ruling Badarudin Sriwijaya. Name empek-empek or Pempek believed to derive from the term "stale", which is the term for an old man of Chinese descent.Based on folklore, which contained Compass, around the year 1617 a "stale" 65-year-old who lived in the area Assembly (banks of Musi River) was concerned to see an abundance of fish catches in the River Musi. Catches were not yet fully exploited it well, only limited to fried and dipindang.The stale and then try another treatment alternative. He minced fish meat mixed with tapioca flour, which produced the new food. The new food peddled by the moldy by cycling around the city. Therefore, the seller called as "pitch ... stale", then the food came to be known as empek-empek or Pempek.
Pempek itself has many types. With almost the same basic ingredients, in his hometown in the know various types Pempek served with vinegar. Pempek Dintaranya plain type comprising: a shaped Pempek Lenjer long, curly Pempek, Pempek skin and a round Pempek circumstances.In addition there is Pempek content, namely: small-sized egg Pempek, Pempek large submarines, Pempek pistel, and Pempek know. There's also a grilled Pempek, like roast Pempek itself, the brains and sway.Besides Pempek, Palembang has other typical foods of fish-based, such as models, tekwan, and Cracker Palembang known as Kemplang Kemplang consisting of fried, grilled, and crackers. And several other areas in South Sumatra, like Ogan Ilir and Ilir Ogan Komering famous with salted fish and salainya, and other areas are also known Pindang cuisine.

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